Our Inspiration
Welcome To Gurukripa Ayurvedic Clinic
Ayurved is grounded in the physics of the "five elements" (Devanāgarī;Prithvi- (earth), Ap (water), Tej (fire), Vaayu (air) and Akasha (ether)) — all of which compose the Universe, including the human body. Chyle or plasma (called rasa dhatu), blood (rakta dhatu), flesh (mamsa dhatu), fat (medha dhatu), bone (asthi dhatu), marrow (majja dhatu), and semen or female reproductive tissue (shukra dhatu) are held to be the seven primary constituent elements – saptadhatu (Devsanāgarī) of the body. Ayurved also focuses on exercise, yoga, meditation, and massage.Thus, body, mind, and spirit/consciousness need to be addressed both individually and in unison for health to ensue. The practice of Panchakarma (Devanāgarī) is believed to eliminate toxic elements from the body.
Ayurved, the science of life... the art of healing...In ayurved, the human body perceives attributes of experiences as 20 Guna (Devanāgarī, meaning qualities).Surgery and surgical instruments are employed. It is believed that building a healthy metabolic system, attaining good digestion, and proper excretion leads to vitality.
When the body and mind are continually overworked and stressed, their natural efficiency diminishes. Yoga makes the mind and muscles relax completely. It makes the body light, firm and steady, the muscles supple, and the spine strong.
Panchakarma, Ayurved is five-step traditional detoxification process offers the ultimate mind-body healing experience by strengthening and restoring the body and balancing the three doshas- Vata Pitta and Kapha in Panchkarma.
Ayurved says we need to detoxify the toxins from human body. Detoxification is an Ayurved process which gives several positive impacts on human. Toxins normally hard human body and causes several heal issues like stress, anxiety and much more.
You will find benefits of meditation like increase the concentration power, improve brain power, control your anger and can make a better decision.Meditation is popular, and people from foreign countries come here to learn traditional meditation.