Ayurvedia & Diet Ayurved Tip

Ayurved considers diet and digestion to be prime factors in good health. There are a variety of guidelines to ensure adequate nutrition as well as assimilation of nutrients. A diet which consists of a lot of meat, alcohol, caffeine, processed or frozen foods, fried foods, dairy products and white sugar and flour is very toxic to the system.
According to Ayurved, these types of foods produce ama. Ama is a residue that circulates in the body and creates disease. It can also give you bad breath, constipation, dull skin, dark circles under the eyes, acne, and so on. To avoid producing ama, attention needs to be paid to what you eat, how you eat, and when you eat.

What to eat?

The most important thing is to choose food that is fresh, usually cooked, tasty and easy to digest. It should be seasonal and not excessively spiced. Avoid eating stale, left-over, processed or refined foods. Fresh, natural foods provide you with a lot of energy, vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat. Seasonal fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and salads should form the basis of your diet.

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Drink herbal teas, milk, water (with honey, lemon or lime juice), fruit and vegetable juices. Do not mix too many food items at one meal, and eat foods that complement each other in taste. It is also important to eat according to your constitution. There are specific dietary recommendations based on individual constitution, which can be found in the fact sheet on constitution.

How to eat?

Eat in clean, peaceful and pleasant surroundings, and concentrate fully on the food you are consuming. Chew food thoroughly, and do not rush your meal. Appreciate and respect the value of the food provided.
If you feel tired or heavy after a meal, it is a sign of improper eating. Avoid talking, standing or lying down while eating. Don't completely fill your stomach - allow some room for air to circulate and the food to be digested properly.

When to eat?

Avoid eating when you are upset or angry. Eat only when hungry, and leave at least four hours between meals to ensure that food is properly digested. It is best to establish a regular eating routine, with lunch being the largest meal of the day. This is because the power of digestion correlates with the movement of the sun.

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When the sun is at its peak in the sky (Mid-day), digestion is strongest. Do not eat heavy foods in the evening, or for two hours before you go to bed. Fasting for one day every two weeks is considered beneficial for the digestive system. On this day, drink only water or juices. Fruit can also be eaten.

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